Hey folks what are you doing this news year eve???

I believe people are every out preparing to countdown later tonight. Well, as for me I'm home going to hit the bed early tonight with hopes of 2012 being a good year. I guess I am too old for the crowds and all that partying teens my age will enjoy. My life is a bore eh? Anyway, this post is to sum up all the ups and downs faced in 2011, my reflection of 2011 and my thoughts.
2011 definitely had all it's drama. Me... trying to re-adapt to my school life (term based), school work, made new friends, speaking to strangers, worked a whole month, etc. This year's drama was way more than all the years I have ever seen. But I am glad because of such dramas, my family has come closer. I am also glad that me and my sis are closer too, but we still do quarrel like sure crazy. People say problems faced are what make people grow. I know I don't seem to make any sense cause I not 100% focused due to using brain cells to create the photo collage. :X
Anw, I hope 2012 will be a great year for my loved ones and best friends, more joy, no more sorrow and drama, good results, good health and fortune. Everyone living in peace and harmony. And oh yes! Good health to all!!!
Before I end, here is my 2012 resolution:
- do well in school (work harder)
- sleep early, wake up early
- be more cheerful during school days
- mingle with people, instead of being sooo introvert
- hang out with my relatives more often
- go overseas *ahem* USA baby~
(that's roughly all I can think of for now, I believe I'll have more to add on as the time goes by :P)
[newly added on 020112]
- be who I really am and not typical
Alright, everyone have a great end to 2011 and an awesome start to 2012.
Me signing off to rest my tired brain and wake early for an awesome time with my lovely peeps to have an amazing start to my 2012!