I'm hooked!
Dang, if this continues when school reopens I'm dead meat for sure!
Believe me, what i say is gonna come true real soon...
K.O.3angou! (Zhong Ji San Gou)
This is way better than Zhong Ji Yi Jia!! Pretty much comedy in the first 2 episodes, and the anticipation of what will happen next. I hope it's gonna continue like this until the end, if not I'm gonna stop half way again. LCH was the same as Pi Li MIT. I have high hopes if this show, but i wonder when will it end? I think i will only be able to watch the 4th episode and no more, and only able to watch it after Os cause my parents are so gonna grumble about me watching videos.
(OH, i forgotten to mention... xiu is inside & with A ROLE THAT APPEARS MORE FREQUENTLY NOW!! GAHHS~ & i love the epi with the reappearance of DA DONG, XIAO YU & THE ROLE CALVIN IS ACTING inside.)
Sighs, tomorrow i have to wake up early in the morning to go to school for student leader conference. It's like 8am in the morning -_-lll Now, i have no reason to lay in bed and wait till when i want to wake up. Damn! My holidays are horrible, i wake up almost very early every morning! And the feeling sucks! Monday- 8am. Tuesday- 9.55am (slightly better). Wednesday- 9am and the other 2 remaining days as early as 7.15am! Damn it! I want to have a day which allows me to sleep at least till 12pm to replenish the hours that i have lost during school days. As you can see it's fairly IMPOSSIBLE! WHAT A HOLIDAY!?!?! :/ Oh well, at this point i can't grumble any more. (i almost forgotten, I'm going to see someone i hate terribly tomorrow, OH DANG! hello vulgar! I bet I'm so gonna swear tomorrow! )
Currently back in addiction, ♥GOU AI! ZJYJ's ost & ZJSG's ost...
(here's the lyrics!)
我穿越金星 木星 水星 火星 土星
土星追尋你 時間滴滴答滴答 答滴聲音
指頭還殘留 你為我 擦的指甲油
沒想透 你好像說過
你和我 會不會有以後
世界一直一直變 地球不停的轉動
在你的時空 我從未退縮懦弱
當我靠在你耳朵 只想輕輕對你說
我的溫柔 只想讓你都擁有
我的愛只能夠 讓你一個人獨自擁有
我的靈和魂魄 不停守侯 在你心門口
我的傷和眼淚 化為烏有 為你而流
藏在無邊無際 小小宇宙
愛你的我 不能停止脈搏
為了愛你奮鬥就請你讓我 說出口
愛只能夠 讓你一個人獨自擁有
我的靈和魂魄 不停守侯 在你心門口
我的傷和眼淚 化為烏有 為你而流
藏在無邊無際 小小宇宙
愛你的我 yeah~ 愛你的我 yeah~
我穿越金星 木星 水星 火星 土星
土星追尋你 時間滴滴答滴答 答滴聲音
- off to bed now
it's there any reason to describe why?
I guess not.
♥ The world keeps changing, the earth keeps rotating
In your space and time I have never backed away or been weak
When I'm close to your ear I want to whisper to you
My gentleness is exclusively for you
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