Friday, January 22, 2010

Day After Day,

Went out nurssy, claudia and kf today.
Met them at 12, went to school to check out the year book.
T_T 3rd/4th month of 2010 then we're able to get it with the year book.

Left and head to mac, lau and claudia ate.
Saw tons of BSS peeps, when I'm trying to avoid.
Kf said:"now you can diao them, cause you're their senior."

After chatting and eating at mac, we left.
Can't say loads of stuff in mac, to many people you see.
Head under block to chat, chat till 2.30 and claudia left for school (she already started poly.)
After that head to get shoes, wth, size 39 out of stock.. 41 is the smallest. T_T
Need to wait till late feb. )':

Recieved a call from claudia asking if we could have lunch together. We agreed.
Went to IT mall to eat and chat.
Left and head to PS.
Met claudia after her class, kf got to go before claudia arrived cause he gotta do something.
Met claudia and head to take neo and later dinner at aijisan, head to the top level to walk and went to the arcade.

WTH, spend so much to get a few mentos (it's expensive mentos!)
We're so desperate to take get donald ducks that we asked kf to meet at PS instead of boon keng.
But still got CRAP = NOTHING! T_T

Before we headed back to boon keng to slack and do some quizes... went to etude house to get freebies.
We went in twice today, once with claudia before dinner and I ended up geting things tested on me.
Walked out without buying and we did it after we're about to leave to head back to bk we did it again.
This time i didn't go in, kf did.
He helped me get the pen! ^^

10+ left and all headed home.

Upload pictures tomorrow.

Watched this on iBigBang. I have to post this!
Like what alee (she found the video on Youtube) said, their english. Yeps, I'm totally impressed by their english.
Love the accent (Ame), and some parts were funny! (:

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