Sunday, May 17, 2015


When change is inevitable.

I was hoping this 3 months of holiday would be different, will be something I look forward to. But all the things that happened recently has made the 1st week a living nightmare. Well, at least if I am homed up in my own room I don't care how much this is affecting me. But the fact is... 


Well, it's not the company or the people I am anxious about. I am afraid of changes. All the recent changes was really been freaking me out. I look calm and at peace but inside I am dying. I lost the touch in expressing my true feelings to anyone or being honest to myself. I hate not being me! I hate how I lost track of my life. What sucks the most is how tomorrow being in hall without anyone I know will definitely take a toll on me...

Well, now I have to take this one step at a time... throwing all emotional shit away. Cause internship is real. I hope I can handle this.

Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm glad I did it anyway...

I'm glad. At least I know I have let a burden of my chest. Cause when my head runs at 100miles/hour, sleeping is not an option. Now I have been given more then enough to see the light. (: 

Being silly yes for doing it more then once yes. But at least I get a proper answer for myself. (: Life goes on, the world still spins. I know I won't talk to you anymore, but it's a happy-sad thing. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Where are we even headed to?

Are there times where you question the relationship you have with a certain someone? Like what you really mean to them?

Right now I have the world's largest dilemma to let this person go or to continue whatever we are having even though things have changed quite a bit. The recent change has been really uncomfortable. I wish I could throw all my thoughts out there for the person to understand - from all the white lies to how I really really feel right now. But my reservations lies at how this will change things all over again. Where we no longer speak to each other...

I know I have 3 months to let it all go if all things heads to the place I hope it won't. But honestly, who am I kidding right? We all will miss the habits we both have had with the someone we thought we had a connection with. I am sure I will... being emotionally attached and all. T_T If only I could find a solution to my mind and heart.

Right now, how I wish this whole semester could start all over and I didn't let things transpire to where things have headed... But who am I kidding? If it was to happen all over again, I think I will do the same damn thing.

Ha, life. Why do you always go the way I wish you wouldn't go... ):