Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A woman is leaving, though a guy is singing for her…



Hi there folks,

here I am blogging at wee hours of the night (inspiration gain from the day? lol?) as usual. I'm feeling 2 kinds of emotions now: FREAKED & EXCITED!

Freaked: Going to go for the briefing all alone tomorrow for this event coming soon. Well, it's something I've never did in my life before, so yea, kinda freaking big time about tomorrow and hesitant. I'm introvert and all you see. But this is a good experience, trying to break away from my comfort zone. So ya, hoping every thing's gonna work out fine. WISH ME LUCK!

Excited: I was kinda worried about it at first, but now all is good! I thought I had some problem with my order, but not it's alright! I just received my email for the payment! HELL YEAH! I know worried over a ridiculous order for BIG BANG's album to some, but it's my wish to get a BIG BANG album alright! It's so exciting to open one of their album listen to their voices. HAHAH,  I know I'm one heck of a fan, but I believe VIPs all feel the same way... excited about their album! I think it's a blessing in disguise. I almost got their 4th mini album but hesitated cause the songs are so little. I'm glad I did stop that decision. I felt kinda guilty for not ordering an album to support them to reach the top in the charts. Now I have all the reasons in the world to feel like a good VIP. xD Crazy FAN GIRL MUCH? :P

I just love blogging, since I don't really have anyone to pour out on such stuff and mixed emotions. (Stuff that aren't really important) Any way, learnt a lot from a show. I think rather of secrets pulling people closer, people are torn apart. Certain things are best kept to ourselves.

Alright then, that's all for tonight. Shall blog about me conquering my fears going to some place alone I'd die if I knew no one. Having an early one tonight after finishing episode 19 of "Pretty Little Liars".

Goodbye ^___^

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